Welcome to my grand attempt to blog my way through my great MLB ballpark tour of summer 2007. I'll get more background posted in this space shortly, but suffice it to say for now that after hearing enough people tell me that I ought to keep a blog during this trip, I've decided to give it a go.
Ideally, I'll be posting here regularly as I work my way across the country (or rather, countries), hitting up each of the 30 major league baseball ballparks along the way. For now, at least, here's a snapshot of the grand plan. This may get tweaked along the way, and is unfortunately not that rain-out proof, but it's a start.
Ideally, I'll be posting here regularly as I work my way across the country (or rather, countries), hitting up each of the 30 major league baseball ballparks along the way. For now, at least, here's a snapshot of the grand plan. This may get tweaked along the way, and is unfortunately not that rain-out proof, but it's a start.
