Because, you see, I should have good and well predicted that on a day in which I drove for 11 hours from DC to Atlanta, before tomorrow's drive for 7 hours from Atlanta to Tampa, tonight's Braves game was obviously destined to run until well past midnight over 5+ hours and 14 innings. Aie...

Blog entries for Pittsburgh, DC, and Atlanta are on their way. My home-team mojo appears to be on the fritz, as I went 1-2 through that stretch. PNC Park's incredible, RFK wasn't as bad as I expected, and Turner Field was good fun. More later...
Hey man, just doing some catch-up reading on the blog. Sounds like things are going great, long distances apart. You're still well above .500 on home team wins, so teams should be offering to pay your way by the time you reach the West Coast! Keep the posts coming, and can't wait to hear stories upon your return.
Hmm... it's beginning to sound like you've been living in the UK for too long and had forgotten how big the distances are on this side of the pond. As you are now no doubt remembering from your days in California, distances between cities in NA are slightly greater than in the UK or Europe.
Keep a close watch out for H-way patrol freaks looking to pad their speeding stats. I saw a story recently where a Canadian tourist was thrown in jail overnight in Georgia because her credit card rejected payment for a speeding ticket.
Apparently some over zealous city council in Georgia heard that illegal immigrants and others were skipping out of town without paying fines or appearing in court on various criminal charges. To fix this problem the council wrote a law that required "all foreigners" to be put in jail until all fines were paid or bail posted. Since even credit cards can take time to process, and some police departments seem to lack common sense, it created quite a problem for tourists in Georgia whose only "crime" was a parking or speeding ticket.
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